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[5] Priests for the Third Millennium. 2000. p 284.

[6] “Da mihi animas caetera tolle” translated in King James’ version as “Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself” [Gen 14/21] was chosen by Don Bosco as the motto for the Salesian Congregation he founded in 1862.

[7] “Me search through research” according to Basil Van der Kolk in The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. 2015.

[8] The sixth Archbishop of San Francisco and the President of the U. S. Catholic Conference and National Conference of Catholic Bishops [1970 to 1980]

[9] Christ Yesterday, Today and Forever. 1993.

[10] Sounds of the Spiral of Silence. 1978-01-19

[11] Coelho, 1994. Mandalas … p 88.

[12] “The name of God is mercy. There are no situations we cannot get out of, we are not condemned to sink into quicksand.” Pope Francis. The Name of God Is Mercy. 2016. Milano: Edizione Piemme Spa

[13] I met Vivian for the first time at St. Dunstan’s Parish in Millbrae on June 30, 1991, when at the invitation of Fr. Al Furtado, CSSP, I was participating in the celebrations organized by the Goan Community in the San Francisco Bay Area. I was one of the concelebrants at the altar with Archbishop Raul Gonsalves of Goa who had ordained me at Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Navelim, Goa, on December 21, 1977.

[14] The Priest and the Third Christian Millennium: Teacher of the Word, Minister of the Sacraments, and Leader of the Community, 1999. http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/vocations/priesthood/priestly-life-and-ministry/national-plan-for-the-ongoing-formation-of-priests.cfm on 2016-01-27

[15] Independent Catholics and Priests belong to and are affiliated with churches or groups led by Independent Bishops. These groups identify with the Catholic tradition and their Bishops have apostolic succession. The Independent Catholics are generally not in communion with the Roman Catholic Church. Their sacraments are valid and may or may not be recognized by other Christian or Catholic Churches.

[16] Wounded healer is a term created by psychologist Carl Jung. Research has shown that 3 out of 4 counselors and psychotherapists have experienced one or more wounding experiences leading to their career choice. The Wounded Healer is the title of a hope-filled book by Henry Nouwen that I read many years ago. Fr. Nouwen spoke directly to those men and women who want to be of service in their church or community, but have found the traditional ways often threatening and ineffective.

[17] http://www.whiterobedmonks.org/ on 2016-01-03. Taussig, H. [2006] A new spiritual home: Progressive Christianity at the grass roots. Santa Rosa: Polebridge Press. pp 70-71.

http://www.wrmosb.org/ctmpcat.html on 2016-01-03.

[18] As the Executive Director of Convalescent Hospital Ministry of Santa Clara Valley in California from January 2000 to March 2003, I was able to coordinate, train and lead a group of 100 volunteers, from 25 Churches including St. John’s Church, to provide over 20,000 hours of visits each year.

[19] The Spectra of Wholeness: Please see page 329 for more details.

0.1 I am gracefully empowered and in harmony with the little

0.2 I am gratefully generous and in harmony with all noble leaders

0.3 I am eternally connected and in harmony with the lonely

0.4 I am effortlessly empty and in harmony with the lost

0.5 I am intentionally focused and in harmony with the lousy

0.6 I am peacefully enlightened and in harmony with the lowly

0.7 I am playfully divine and in harmony with all in love

0.8 I am in harmony with those open to learning

0.9 I am unfolding silence and enfolding laughter in harmony.




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EXPRESSIONSSelected Writings - Short Stories - Interfaith Poems - Pastoral Homilies - Yoga - Mandalas - Integral Being & Innocence

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where the soul glows and grows

where graceful, grateful, peaceful and playful laughter silence!

Email: ariostocoelho@yahoo.com 

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