COELHO'S Art - MIRRORS - Meditation - Coaching - sPIRITUAL Support


For the Faithful who, along with Fr. Coelho,

participated in various rituals and events all over the world

"Very simply I define prayer as breathing with attention and intention.

As I breathe gracefully, gratefully, peacefully and playfully with the Holy Spirit

I surrender myself and everyone to God's Holy Breath - The Infinite Power of Love."



SERVICESPersonalized Weddings - Interfaith Rituals - Sacraments for Catholics - Spiritual Counseling - Psychotherapy & Coaching

EXHIBITIONSIntegral Art & Meditation - Drawings - Watercolors - Oil Paintings - Recent Art - Integral Artist - San Bruno Painters

EXPRESSIONSSelected Writings - Short Stories - Interfaith Poems - Pastoral Homilies - Yoga - Mandalas - Integral Being & Innocence

CONTACT Ariosto Coelho : The Integral Circle - The Learning Circle - The Empty Circle - The Playful Circle - Workshops & Retreats

DON BOSCO's Youthful Salesians since 1862in India since 1906 - in Lonavla, Maharashtra since 1962 - in Sulcorna, Goa since 1962

HOMEPAGE - Feedback - News : Glow - Spiritual Practices -  Spiritual Support @ St. John's Church & From 1950 to 2017


© Spiritual Direction 1998-2019 [updated 11/27/18]

where the soul glows and grows

where graceful, grateful, peaceful and playful laughter silence!

Email: ariostocoelho@yahoo.com  - Phone: 650-952-9456

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